Dear Students,

I hope you are having a wonderful summer! I wanted to thank all of you for your patience while I am out of town as I know scheduling lessons with the time difference has been tricky! I will be back in the US at the end of next week and would love to resume lessons with minimal interruptions whenever you are ready. Please note for in person students that I will be back in SF August 15th, so any lessons before then will be online.

To help my studio stay organized, I have embedded the web tool, calendly onto my teaching home page (the same place you receive lesson notes). To schedule a lesson, just follow the prompted steps and it will automatically add you onto my calendar and send you lesson reminders along with a zoom link at the top of your inbox before your lesson. I will also do my best to update the calendar in case there are any dates/times I cannot do.

Link to my teaching homepage:

If you have already scheduled a lesson with me in the coming weeks, they are still valid!

I look forward to the coming school year and all that we can accomplish together! I hope you have a great end to your summer.


PS Below are some photos I took over the summer during my concerts in Europe!